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Showing publications in the topic: HVDC link and FACTS controls

D.D. DUMISANI, B.C. PAL, R.A. JABR, N. MARTINS Robust and low-order design of flexible ac transmission systems and power system stabilisers for oscillation damping, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 6, Iss. 5, May 2012, pp. 445 - 452. Download from IEEE Xplore.

SIMOES, A. M., SAVELLI, D.C., PELLANDA, P.C., MARTINS, N., APKARIAN, P. Robust Design of a TCSC Oscillation Damping Controller in a Weak 500-kV Interconnection Considering Multiple Power Flow Scenarios and External DisturbancesIEEE Transactions on Power Systems , USA, Vol. 24, No. 1, p. 226-236, February 2009. Download from IEEE Xplore.

GOMES JR, Sérgio; MARTINS, Nelson; JONSSON, Tomas; MENZIES, Donald; LJUNGQVIST, Rolf. Modeling Capacitor Commutated Converters in Power System Stability StudiesIEEE Transactions on Power Systems, USA, v. 17, n. 2, p. 371-377, 2002. Download from IEEE Xplore.

GOMES JR, Sérgio; MARTINS, Nelson; PING, Wo Wei; CARVALHO, Antonio Ricardo C D. Vantagem da Utilização do Conceito CCC nos Esquemas em HVDC. In: VII SEPOPE, 2000, Curitiba. Proceedings of VII SEPOPE. 2000.

MARTINS, Nelson; PINTO, Hermínio José da Cunha Pereira; PASERBA, John. Using a TCSC for Line Power Scheduling and System Oscillation Damping-Small Signal and Transient Stability Studies. In: POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY WINTER MEETING, 2000, Seattle, Washington, USA. Proceedings of Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting. 2000. v. 2, p. 1455-1461. Download from IEEE Xplore. Slides Presentation.

CARVALHO, Antonio Ricardo C D; GOMES JR, Sérgio; PING, Wo Wei; MARTINS, Nelson; GRAHAM, J; JONSSON, Tomas. Comparação do Desempenho Dinâmico de Conversores Convencionais e Conversores com Capacitor de Comutação. In: VIII ERLAC, 1999, Ciudad del Leste. Proceedings of VIII ERLAC. 1999.

GOMES JR, Sérgio; PINTO, Hermínio José da Cunha Pereira; MARTINS, Nelson; LJUNGQVIST, Rolf; RANGEL, Ricardo Diniz; JONSSON, Tomas; CARVALHO, Antonio Ricardo C D. Modeling ABB's HVDC/CCC Into Cepel Simulation Package. In: VI SEPOPE, 1998, Salvador. Proceedings of VI SEPOPE. 1998. Download.

LEFEBVRE, C S; GOLE, A M; REEVE, J; PILOTTO, Luiz Alberto da Silva; MARTINS, Nelson; BHATTACHARYA, S. Working group on dynamic performance and modeling of DC systems andpower electronics for transmission systems. Report on test systems forAC/DC interaction studies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, USA, v. 10, n. 4, p. 2027-2034, 1995. Download from IEEE Xplore

MARTINS, Nelson; MACEDO, Nilo José Pereira de; BIANCO, André; PINTO, Hermínio José da Cunha Pereira; LIMA, Leonardo Tadeu Garcia. Proposal for a Benchmark System for Power System Oscillation Analysis and Control. In: COLLOQUIUM ON POWER SYSTEM DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE - CIGRÉ – SC 38, 1993, Florianópolis. Proceedings of Colloquium on Power System Dynamic Performance - CIGRÉ – SC 38. 1993. Download.

MARTINS, Nelson; MACEDO, Nilo José Pereira de; LIMA, Leonardo Tadeu Garcia; PINTO, Hermínio José da Cunha Pereira. Control Strategies for Multiple Static Var Compensators in Long Distance Voltage Supported Transmission Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems , USA, v. 8, n. 3, p. 1107-1117, 1993. Download from IEEE Xplore

S SOBRINHO, E; PEDROSO, Alquindar de Souza; PING, Wo Wei; MARTINS, Nelson. Modelo de Elo de CCAT com Representação Detalhada do Sistema de Controle para Uso em Programa de Estabilidade. In: VIII SNPTEE, 1986, São Paulo. Proceedings of VIII SNPTEE. 1986.

MARTINS, Nelson. Frequency Response Techniques Applied to the Design of Additional Stabilizing Signals for Static Var Compensators in Power Systems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH TECHNOLOGY IN THE POWER INDUSTRY (IASTED), 1986, Bozeman, Montana. Proceedings of International Conference on High Technology in the Power Industry (IASTED). 1986.

MARTINS, Nelson. O Efeito de Compensadores Estáticos de Reativo na Estabilidade a Pequenas Perturbações de Sistemas de Potência. In: V CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 1984, Campina Grande. Proceedings of V Congresso Brasileiro de Automática. 1984.

MARTINS, Nelson; PING, Wo Wei; SZECHTMAN, M. Exploração da Capacidade de Controle dos Elos CC na Estabilização de Sistemas de Potência. In: VII SNPTEE, 1984, Brasília. Proceedings of VII SNPTEE. 1984.

MARTINS, Nelson; PING, Wo Wei; SZECHMAN, M. Exploiting the HVDC Link Control Capability in Power Systems Stabilization. In: INTERNATIONAL POWER CONFERENCE (IPEC), 1983, Tóquio. Proceedings of International Power Conference. 1983.

MARTINS, Nelson; SZECHTMAN, M; PING, Wo Wei. Interaction Between HVDC Controls and Reactive Power Compensators in High Impedance AC Systems. In: CIGRE SC-14 MEETING, 1981, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of Cigre SC-14 Meeting. 1981.