Professional Societies


Activities in Professional Societies

  • Chairman of IEEE/PES Power System Stability Controls Subcommittee, System Dynamic Performance Committee, for the term July 2003 – July 2007.
  • Member of IEEE/PES Fellow Committee, for the term 2001 – 2004.
  • Past convenor of Focus Group of Small-Signal Stability, IEEE/PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, 1998-2003.
  • Member of Administrative Council of CIGRÉ-Brazil 2003-present.
  • Past Convenor of CIGRÉ Task Force TF 38.02.23 “Coordinated Voltage Control in Transmission Networks”, 2000-2006.
  • Co-chairman of the CIGRE sponsored “IX SEPOPE Conference”, Rio de Janeiro, May 2004.
  • Member of the PSCC Technical Committee, 2000-2004.
  • Chairman of the CIGRE sponsored “X SEPOPE Conference”, Florianópolis, Brazil, May 2006. ( See Call for Papers )

Participation in events


Participation in Events During year 2005

  1. IEEE Brasilia Power Chapter lecture on Linear Techniques Applied to Small Signal Stability, Harmonic Distortion Analysis and Dynamic Equivalents, by Nelson Martins, January 14, 2005
  2. External examiner of the MSc Dissertation Tuning Supplementary Controls for Electromechanical Oscillation Damping in a Long Radial System, by Maria Aparecida Amorim, University of Brasilia, January 2005. Supervisor: Francisco Damasceno de Freitas (UnB/DEE)
  3. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Impact of Electrical Discharges in the Performance of Transmission Lines – Modeling in the Time and Frequency Domain, by João Clávio Salari Filho, COPPE – UFRJ, January 2005. Supervisor: Carlos Portela (COPPE /DEE)
  4. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Analitic Modeling of a Series Capacitor Controlled by a Self-Comutated Switch, by Luiz Felipe Wilcox de Souza, COPPE – UFRJ, February 2005. Supervisors: Edson H. Watanabe (COPPE/DEE) and Luiz A. S. Pilotto (Accenture- Brasil)
  5. External examiner of the PhD thesis Development of an Object-Oriented Computational Environment for Electrical Power Systems: Aplications in the Fast Simulation and Analysis of Voltage Stability, by Alessandro Manzoni, COPPE-UFRJ, March 2005. Supervisors: Djalma Mosqueira Falcão (COPPE/DEE) and Glauco Nery Taranto (COPPE/DEE).
  6. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis Computational Method for the Quality Assessment of Power System Restoration Plans, by Alexandre Mota, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP., March 2005. Supervisor: André Luiz Morelato França (UNICAMP/DEE)
  7. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Heuristic Search Methods Applied to the Determination of Alternative Routes during the Parallel Phase of Power System Restoration, by Flavio R. M. Alves, COPPE-UFRJ, April 2005. Supervisor: Djalma Mosqueira Falcão (COPPE/DEE)
  8. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Tensor Modeling of SVC and TCSC in the s-Domain for the Linear Analysis of Electromagnetic Transients and Harmonics, by Fabricio L. Lirio, COPPE-UFRJ, April 2005. Supervisors: Edson H. Watanabe (COPPE/DEE) and Sergio Gomes Jr. (CEPEL)
  9. IEEE PES 2005 General Meeting, San Francisco, June 12-16, Panelist, Author, Subcommittee Chair. (
    1. PSDP Administrative Committee Meeting, June 15, Member;
    2. PS Stability Controls Subcommittee Business Meeting, June 14, Chair;
    3. PS Stability Subcommittee Business Meeting, June 15, Member;
    4. Panel Session on Linear Techniques Applied to Power System Small Signal Stability, Invited Paper Low Order Transfer Function Modal Equivalents for the Design of Power Oscillation Damping Controllers in Large Power Systems, June 14, Panelist;
    5. PSDP Business Meeting, June 16, Member;
    6. PSDP Task Force on Blackouts, June 16, Member;
  10. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Scientific Computation Seminar on Eigenvalue Applications/Computations in Electrical Power System Studies, by Nelson Martins, Berkeley, California, June 17, 2005. Sponsor of Seminar: Osni Marques . (
  11. External Examiner of the MSc Dissertation Modal Equivalents of Large Scale Power Systems for Stabilizer Design, by Fabiano Gomes da Silva, IME, Rio de Janeiro. Supervisors: Paulo Cesar Pellanda (IME) and Nelson Martins
  12. Lecture on Modal Analysis Applied to Power System Problems, COPPE/UFRJ, Course COE879 Advanced Control Techniques for Power Systems, invitation by Prof. Glauco Nery Taranto, July 14, 2005
  13. External Examiner of the MSc Dissertation Generation Redispatch by Optimal Power Flow for Reducing Rotor Shaft Impacts upon Network Loop Reclosure, Fed. University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Supervisor: Edimar José de Oliveira (UFJF).
  14. Presentation of paper IT-36 Reducing Rotor Shaft Impacts upon Network Loop Reclosure, VI SIMPASE Conference, July 2005, S. Paulo, Brazil (in Portuguese).(
  15. Panel on Technology and Integration of Wind Farms to the Electric Grid, at the CIER – BRACIER International Wind Energy Meeting. Title of presentation and authors: Modeling Wind Farms for Power System Dynamic Studies, by Ricardo Diniz Rangel, Julio Cesar Rezende Ferraz, Sergio Gomes Jr. and Nelson Martins (panelist). Natal, Brazil, September 2005. ( (Slides Presentation)
  16. External examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Identification from Noisy Signals of Power System Models in the Pole-Residue Form, by Luís Filomeno de Jesus Fernandes, University of Brasilia, October 28th 2005. Supervisor: Francisco Damasceno de Freitas (UnB/DEE)
  17. External Examiner of the MSc Dissertation Modal Analysis of the Peruvian Power System, by Juan Ernesto Velásquez Sevillano, COPPE-UFRJ, December 2005, Supervisor: Glauco Nery Taranto (COPPE/DEE)
  18. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis Modeling and Performance Assessment of Power Flow Control Devices, by João Alberto Passos Filho, COPPE-UFRJ, November 2005. Supervisors: Djalma Mosqueira Falcão (COPPE/DEE) and Nelson Martins.


Participation in Events During year 2004

  1. II International Colloquium on the History and Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics, UERJ Rio de Janeiro, March 01 – 04, Panelist. (
  2. IX SEPOPE, Rio de Janeiro, May 23 – 27, Vice-Chairman, Author, Session Chair. (
  3. IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, June 06 – 10, Author, Subcommittee Chair. (
    1. PES Fellow Committee Meeting, June 04, Member
    2. CIGRE TF 38.02.23 Meeting, June 05, Chair
    3. PSDP Administrative Committee Meeting, June 09, Member
    4. PS Stability Controls Subcommittee Business Meeting, June 08, Chair
    5. PS Stability Subcommittee Business Meeting, June 07, Member
    6. PSDP Business Meeting, June 10, Member
  4. CBA 2004 Brazilian Automation Society Conference, Gramado, September 21 – 24, Author. (
  5. PSEC Power System Exhibition and Conference, New York, October 10 – 13, Author, Session Chairman. (
  6. Workshop CEPEL 30 anos Planning and Operation of Large Electrical Power Systems Chairman. ( )
  7. CEPEL 30 anos Celebrations Recipient of the CEPEL 30 anos Award for R&D contributions to the Center. ( )
  8. Blackouts, system restoration and associated R&D Challenges (Considerações sobre blecautes, recomposição de sistemas e os desafios de P&D associados) Invited Presentation at the Sispot 2004 “Workshop on Power System Research – FEEC – UNICAMP” April 5-7, 2004, Campinas, SP, Brazil. ( )
  9. Workshop on Small-Signal Analysis in Power Systems (4-hour course by N. Martins), Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, November 2004
  10. Workshop on Small-Signal Analysis in Power Systems (4-hour course by N. Martins), IEEE Switzerland, PES Event of the Swiss Chapter, November 29, 2004 ETH Zurich ETZ E9. ( )
  11. Panel session on FACTS Modeling and Control Issues, IEEE T&D Latin America Conference, SP, Brazil, November 2004. ( )
  12. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis Modeling of FACTS Equipment based on Voltage Inverters for Power Flow and Electromechanical Phenomena, by Ricardo Diniz Rangel, COPPE-UFRJ, September 2004. Supervisors: Edson H. Watanabe (COPPE/DEE) and Nelson Martins
  13. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Modeling and Performance Assessment of Power Flow Control Devices, by João Alberto Passos Filho, COPPE-UFRJ, October 2004. Supervisors: Djalma Mosqueira falcão (COPPE/DEE) and Nelson Martins
  14. External Examiner of the PhD Thesis proposal Determination of Available Transfer Capacity through Integrated Use of Static and Dynamic Tools, by Tatiana de Assis, COPPE-UFRJ, October 2004. Supervisors: Glauco Nery Taranto (COPPE/DEE) and Djalma Mosqueira Falcão (COPPE/DEE)


Participation in IEEE/PES Panel Sessions (until 2003)

  1. Panel on “Dynamic Modeling of Power System Loads for Stability”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of Presentation and paper Impact of Induction Motor Loads in System Loadability Margins and Damping of Inter-Area Modes. IEEE/PES General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 2003. (Download from Xplore)
  2. Panel on “Recent Applications of Linear Analysis Techniques”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of Presentation and paper Some Recent Developments in Small-Signal Stability Control. IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, New York, January 2002. (Download from Xplore)
  3. Panel on “Recent Experience with Emergency Stability Controls”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of Presentation and paper Brazilian Defense Plan Against Extreme Contingencies, Panel Session on Recent Experience with Emergency Stability Controls. IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001. (Download)
  4. Panel on “Advanced (High-Side) Secondary Voltage Control of Power Plants”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of presentation and paper The New CIGRÉ Task Force on Coordinated Voltage Control in Transmission Networks, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Seattle, July 2000.(Download)
  5. Panel on “FACTS Applications for Increased Utilization of Power Systems”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of presentation and paper Using a TCSC for Line Power Scheduling and System Oscillation Damping-Small Signal and Transient Stability Studies IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Singapore, January 2000. (Download)
  6. Panel on “System Reliability as Affected by Power System Stabilizers”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of presentation and paper Retuning Stabilizers for the North-South Brazilian Interconection IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Edmonton, Canada, July 1999. (Download from Xplore)
  7. Panel on “Power System Dynamic Monitoring”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 1998.
  8. Panel on “Recent Applications of Linear Analysis Techniques”, organized by Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Title of presentation Modal Analysis of power system networks for electromagnetic transient studies IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 1998. (Download from Xplore)
  9. Panel on “Coordination of Multiple High Speed Stability Controls”, organized by IEEE/PES Working Group on Special Stability Controls, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 1996.
  10. Panel on “New Horizons in Power System Stability”, organized by IEEE/PES Special Stability Controls Working Group, IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, New York, January 1994.
  11. Panel on “New Horizons in Power System Stability”, organized by IEEE/PES Special Stability Controls Working Group, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, July 1993.
  12. Symposium on “Inter-Area Oscillations in Power Systems”, organized by IEEE/PES System Oscillations Working Group, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, New York, July 1991.
  13. Symposium on “Inter-Area Oscillations in Power Systems”, organized by IEEE/PES System Oscillations Working Group, IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, New York, January 1991.
  14. Symposium on “Eigenanalysis and Frequency Domain Methods for System Dynamic Performance”, organized by IEEE/PES Working Group on Special Stability Controls. Title of presentation and paper Eigenvalue and Frequency Domain Analysis of Small-Signal Electromechanical Stability Problems IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, July 1989. (Download)
  15. Symposium on “Eigenanalysis and Frequency Domain Methods for System Dynamic Performance”, organized by IEEE/PES Working Group on Special Stability Controls. Title of Eigenvalue and Frequency Domain Analysis of Small-Signal Electromechanical Stability Problems IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, New York, January 1989. (Download)


Invited Speaker to other Panel Sessions, Workshops and Seminars (until 2003):

  1. EPRI/NSF Workshop on Optimization in Power Systems, Playacar, Mexico, 2003.
  2. EPRI/NSF Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Applied to Power Systems, Palo Alto, California, 2001.
  3. EPRI/NSF Workshop …, Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
  4. Invited Seminar on Short-Term Measures to Minimize the Impact of Extreme Contingencies in the Brazilian Power System, Workshop on …, University of Sydney, Australia, 2000. (Slides Presentation)
  5. Invited Seminar on Short-Term Measures to Minimize the Impact of Extreme Contingencies in the Brazilian Power, University of Waseda, Tokyo, Japan 2000. (Slides Presentation)
  6. Panel on “System Aspects of New Controllable Components”, Stockholm Power Tech, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1995. (Download)
  7. Voltage Stability and Voltage Collapse Seminar in Sydkraft AB, Malmo, Sweden, June 1995.
  8. Panel on “Long Term Dynamics and Voltage Stability”, IV Symposium of Specialists in Electric Operations and Expansion Planning (IV SEPOPE), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, May 1994.
  9. IERE Workshop on New Issues in Power System Simulation, Panel Session “Power System Simulation: Trends and Challenges for the Next Decade”, Caen, France, March 1992.
  10. EPRI/NSF Workshop on Application of Advanced Mathematics to Power Systems, Redwood City, California, September 1991.