MARTINS, Nelson; VIANNA, A; NASCIMENTO, M V G; VIEIRA, L S R; CAMELO, E; COSTA, J C P M. Estratégias para Utilização do Gás Natural na Amazônia para Geração de Energia Elétrica. In: SNPTEE, 2001, Campinas. Proceedings of SNPTEE. 2001
Brazilian Defense Plan Against Extreme Contingencies
VIEIRA, X; PILOTTO, Luiz Alberto da Silva; MARTINS, Nelson; CARVALHO, Antonio Ricardo C D; BIANCO, André. Brazilian Defense Plan Against Extreme Contingencies. In: POWER ENGINEERING SOCIETY SUMMER MEETING, 2001, Vancouver. Proceedings of Power...
A Demonstration Example of Secondary Voltage Regulation: Dynamic Simulation and Continuation Power Flow Results
MARTINS, Nelson; FERRAZ, Júlio Cézar Rezende; GOMES JR, Sérgio; QUINTÃO, Paulo Eduardo Martins; PASSOS FILHO, João Alberto. A Demonstration Example of Secondary Voltage Regulation: Dynamic Simulation and Continuation Power Flow Results. In: POWER...
Recent Applications of Linear Analysis Techniques
GIBBARD, Mike J; MARTINS, Nelson; SANCHEZGASCA, J J; UCHIDA, N; VITTAL, Vijay; WANG, Lei. Recent Applications of Linear Analysis Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, USA, v. 16, n. 1, p. 154-162, 2001. Download from IEEE Xplore.
An Augmented Newton-Raphson Power Flow Formulation Based on Current Injections
COSTA, Vander Menengoy da; PEREIRA, José Luiz Rezende; MARTINS, Nelson. An Augmented Newton-Raphson Power Flow Formulation Based on Current Injections. International Journal Of Electric Power And Energy Systems, Inglaterra, v. 23, n. 4, p. 305-312...