Research Consultant on Power System Analysis

Dr. Nelson Martins is active in the IEEE-PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee and CIGRÉ Study Committees B4, C2 and C4. His research interests have embraced: small- signal stability, controller design, power plant tests, power flow controls, FACTS & HVDC controls, power system harmonics, blackouts and system restoration dynamics, modal analysis, large-scale eigenvalue methods and model reduction. He was elected a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE, 2015) and the Brazilian National Academy of Engineering (ANE, 2015), and received the 2015 IEEE PES Prabha S. Kundur Power System Dynamics and Control Award. After 41 years’ work, he retired from CEPEL, the Brazilian Electrical Energy Center, in February 2020. He is an Honorary Member of CIGRE-Brasil and an IEEE Life Fellow.

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