Convenor of the Working Group # 3 on “Experiences from the North-American and French Disturbances and Recommendations from the International Experts for the Improved Reliability of the Brazilian Interconnected System”, reporting to the Steering Committee on the Investigation of the Causes of the March 11, 1999 Brazilian Blackout and Means to Improve System Reliability. WG # 3 produced the following reports:
- Report 3.1 by Carson Taylor.
Part I – State-of-the-Art in Special Protection Schemes and other Measures to Prevent Widespread Blackouts: BPA and WSCC Experience
Part II – Assessment of Brazilian Power System Reliability and Suggested Areas for Improvements - Report 3.2 by Prabha Kundur and Yakout Mansour.
Experiences from North American Disturbances and Recommendations for the Reliability Improvement of the Brazilian Interconnected System - Report 3.3 by Marc Trotignon and Bruno Meyer.
Recommendations for the Improvement of the Brazilizn Power System Security Following the 11th March 1999 outage based on EDF experience - Report 3.4 Overview of the Reports and their Recommendations by Nelson Martins, Paulo Gomes and Johan Steinberger.
Member of the “Working Group GCE-103” that produced the report The January 21, 2002 Blackout: Analysis of its Causes and Means for Reducing the Impact of Future Disturbances, in June 2002.